المعلمون والمدربون

Make learning and teaching more effective with active participation and student collaboration

محمد الأسود المؤسس

أ. محمد الأسود

معلم – ماجستير اللغة الإنجليزية وآدابها – جامعة الشرق الأوسط

غسان الأسود شريك مؤسس

م. غسان الأسود

هندسة الحاسوب والبرمجيات – جامعة الأميرة سمية

Jane Cooper

Assistant Professor

Esther Howard

Visual Artist

Devon Lane


Courtney Henry

Visual Artist

Jane Cooper

Assistant Professor

Esther Howard

Assistant Professor

Devon Lane

Visual Artist

Courtney Henry

Assistant Professor

Jane Cooper

Assistant Professor

Esther Howard

Assistant Professor

Devon Lane


Courtney Henry

Assistant Professor

Jane Cooper

Visual Artist

Esther Howard

Assistant Professor

إنضم لنا الآن

Share your knowledge and make a living doing what you love.

Integrating AI with education opens the door to limitless possibilities, where knowledge meets innovation and students embark on a transformative learning journey.